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The Nobleman's Son
Sunday morning service from 1/12/2025. Worship: Praise You Anywhere, Runnin, Just as Good, Revelation Song. Sermon (Miracles of Christ series): When Jesus returned to Cana, a Nobleman begged Him to heal his dying son. When Jesus said the word, the boy was healed!
Water to Wine
Sunday morning service from 1/5/2025. Worship: Graves into Gardens, Ain't no Grave, What a Beautiful Name, Oh Lord You're Beautiful. Sermon (The Miracles of Christ sermon series): When Jesus turned water to wine, He taught us three things. He is ready, even when it's not on the agenda. He wants us to work together to participate in the miracle. And He loves saving the best for last.
Me and my House
Sunday morning service from 12/29/2024. Worship: Rattle!, Moving Forward, You Never Let Go, Trust in God. Sermon: New Year's is a time for assessing the past year and setting goals for the upcoming year. Through the life of Joshua, we see God's commission and encouragement in the beginning and a life choice at the end. Whom will you serve? To whom will you commit?
The Nativity
Sunday morning service from 12/22/2024. Worship: Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful, Away in a Manger, Silent Night. Sermon (The Great Shepherd series): Today for our Christmas candlelight service, we remember the choice that was set before the shepherds. Continue with their normal lives, or come to Jesus and be transformed?
Please visit our YouTube page to see all of our service videos.
Who is CF Rushville?
A Small town Church
With a Big Heart
And a Big Vision